hospitalized patients’charter
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Hospitalized Patients’ Charter

Each person is free to choose the health care institution he wants to take care of him, subject to the limitations of each institution. The public hospital service is accessible to everyone, in particular to the most needy persons and, in the event of emergency, to persons without social security cover. It is adapted to handicapped persons.

Health care institutions must guarantee the quality of reception, treatment and care. They must be attentive to pain relief and do everything possible to ensure everyone is treated with dignity, particularly at the end of life.

Information given to the patient must be accessible and reliable. The hospitalized patient can participate in the choice of treatment. He can be assisted by a trusted support person that he freely chooses.

Un acte médical ne peut être pratiqué qu’avec le consentement libre et éclairé du patient. Celui–ci a le droit de refuser tout traitement. Toute personne majeure peut exprimer ses souhaits quant à sa fin de vie dans des directives anticipées.

Un consentement spécifique est prévu, notamment, pour les personnes participant à une recherche biomédicale, pour le don et l’utilisation des éléments et produits du corps humain et pour les actes de dépistage.

Une personne à qui il est proposé de participer à une recherche biomédicale est informée, notamment, sur les bénéfices attendus et les risques prévisibles. Son accord est donné par écrit. Son refus n’aura pas de conséquence sur la qualité des soins qu’elle recevra.

A medical procedure can only be conducted with the free and informed consent of the patient. The latter has the right to refuse all treatment. Any adult can express his wishes as to the end of his life in advance directives.

Specific consent is needed for patients participating in biomedical research, the donation and use of parts and products of the human body and for screening procedures.

A patient who is asked to participate in biomedical research must be informed of the expected benefits and the foreseeable risks. His agreement must be given in writing. His refusal will not have any effect on the quality of care that he receives.

The hospitalized patient can, unless otherwise provided for by the law, leave the institution at any time after having been informed of any risks incurred.

The hospitalized patient must be treated with consideration. His beliefs must be respected. He must be ensured privacy, peace and quiet.

Respect of privacy is guaranteed to every patient, as well as confidentiality of personal, administrative, medical and social information concerning him..

The hospitalized patient (or his legal representatives) benefits from direct access to health information concerning him. Under certain conditions, in the event of death, his beneficiaries benefit from the same right.

The hospitalized patient can express his views on the care and reception provided. In each institution, a commission for relations with users and the quality of care given ensures that the rights of users are respected. Every patient has the right to be heard by a manager of the institution to express his grievances and request compensation for harm to which he believes he has been subjected within the context of an amicable settlement procedure for disputes and/or before the courts.